Yamhead's untitled Stealth Game [Abandoned]

a Random kind of thought I had. near the end of the game. could be the last level or a few before with it triggering later. but basically the player eats a special food. maybe it’s irradiated or mutagenic. whatever. soon after the player grows in size and weight aka giving the player a bigger then a building ending.

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could be a fun thing. I was thinking that the level select screen could then be the last level and you eat the other levels or something. not sure where the challenge would be because there wouldn’t really be a place to hide. maybe just a type of time attack thing I guess.

edit: where you thinking that the player would grow in a macro type of way or just get fatter?

A bit of both. definitely gain some noticeable weight but also gain size independent of the weight.
again it mostly just kind of random “huh this would be cool” thought. and I did have the extra thought that you smash through the other levels just get some fun bonus level of playing as the giant fat blob

if your actually for it. the whole being a giant blob could even be a level but with eating buildings or something. I don’t know the challenge in part about it though. hmmm you could have a set of bonus levels being big over it being the last level but as a last level I imagine it being more of a reward. you got through the whole game why not have fun eating everything as a giant blob

I didn’t work to much on the game this week. I did manage to texture the player and make a rough animation for the title screen.

I spent most time this week on figuring out how to fatten up V-katsu models with blender so I can make a tutorial on how to do it. hopefully, people will find it useful or interesting.

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now that I finished the tutorial (took way longer than it should have) I’ve gone back to this.

I have done some animations for the guards and started modeling the civilians. since I have to implement the guards for the title screen I thought it would be smart to do the civilians at the same time.


the civilian penguins are now done. now to put the new models in the game and figure out how to do cell-shading (or something else if it doesn’t look as good as I imagine)


the models are now in and cel shaded. I did find a different cel shader than the default and
might change to it if I like it better. here is how it looks now

(I didn’t make the player eyes because you will never see them)

hopefully I will have more energy to work on the game this week now that it’s starting to
get colder outside (the next ice age can’t come soon enough). at least I won’t have an
excuse for why I’ve been slacking.

also this bug was annoying to fix (it’s supposed to be the players head)



ouch, that’s not gonna end well for development

especially since the bug is one that is rather cursed

how the fuck did you find my selfie


the real question is: why are you taking selfies inside my game?

finally I have an update that can be played (unless I messed up somewhere). though it’s just the new character models and textures, so no new gameplay yet. most importantly, I would like to know if any of you struggle with seeing stuff clearly (like which way NPCs are looking) so I can change it to be clearer.

I’ve been thinking about the title of the game and been wondering if something simple as: the [synonym for food] [synonym for steal -er] would work. like the snack snatcher or the chow naber. it would be nice to have a title for the title screen.

links are updated

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I really like the new models and updated textures. As of now, the only bug I have encountered so far is the head of the player model freaking out for a split second every now and then when I enter a mini-game.

in what way is it freaking out? something like the picture I posted earlier or is it moving around in a strange way or something? also can it happen at any size or only at a certain size/size range?

Yes like the picture, but it happens very quickly, I’m unsure if it happens at any size.

I’m gonna put this project on hold for a while because I’m working (and have been the last couple of weeks) on a model that I plan on using for the game jam that’s coming up. I’m also learning how to rig properly
so I will be able to make some animations better suited for a more traditional camera position rather than top down. but after the jam I’m probably not going to be able to work on this quite as much as before. I had saved up so I could take 2 years off work and the first year is up soon, so I will have to find a new job before I run out of money.

I haven’t been able to figure out the problem with the face, I think it is an exporting problem. I will try a different file format later and see if that fixes it.


I love the game so far, especially the mechanics of slowing down and the minigames to actually eat the food~

It may be a bit presumptuous of me, but I did have a few ideas for things that could be added.
Pre-mission items could be added. These would simply have certain effects that would benefit or harm you. E.G., “extra fizzy soda” could cause your burp bar to fill even when you don’t have any points, and make the burps “louder”, making the game harder, in exchange for a higher amount of points being awarded, “muzzle” could cause your burp bar to fill slower and make your burps quieter, in exchange for a lower point yield.

Something to change things up in further levels, you could have him get so fat that he literally cannot move without a scooter, maybe even getting fat enough that the standard scooter won’t support him, so he would need to plan for it and find a bigger scooter ahead of time. This would have interesting consequences if you got him that fat from the get-go, since the player would then have to keep in mind the amount of noise the scooter makes and the delay of his burps when sneaking around.

Another thing and (this one might be a bit too far, it involves farting, if you don’t wanna read that, so I’m gonna see if I can blur this next part for those who don’t wanna read that)

There could be a “takedown” system for guards, where (at higher weights only), you could approach a guard from behind, drag them down, sit on them, and then fart. This would stun the guard for a set amount of time, with a few drawbacks, the fart would be “louder” than the burp at the same weight, it could last longer, you’d be immobile while doing it, and it would take a second for him to get up and ready to move afterwards, leaving plenty of time for another guard to find you. Additionally, it could send guards into a temporary “high alert” mode when he wakes up, with guards stopping to look behind them at doors and such. This could also be used to deter guards from certain areas at EXTREMELY high weights, leaving a gas cloud that lasts a few seconds, causing guards to pause the search route momentarily, but again, being louder and longer than a burp of the same weight. This could also deter pursuers, to give the player a “last ditch” if they’re being chased and it looks like the guards are gonna get them before they get the goal.

good to hear that you liked the game so far

any ideas are welcome, worst thing that can happen is that I don’t put it into the game.
I have a plan to have “cheats” that you can unlock and the fuzzy soda and muzzle could be something I put in

in a previous version I had it so you couldn’t move when you where fat enough but I found it annoying so I changed it and I don’t think I will put it back in. I might make a bigger scooter, I would probably make the smaller one explode because of your weight though

I had basically this same idea but for a more traditional stealth game. I don’t really want to have take downs in this game (except in a very limited way). also it would be a bit to much work to make it a type of cheat. I could possibly make a cheat that changes the burps into farts without changing any mechanics

Ah, alright. Well, that all sounds good to me. :3 I can’t wait to see the next version, and also can’t wait 'till there’s sound in the game~ Even if you don’t do takedowns, though, it would be nice to add some way (maybe for a muzzled/easy mode) to slow pursuants down for a few seconds, kinda like the toilets in one of the levels, but being a very short-term thing that can be deployed on the fly, to make certain situations a little more forgiving. (E.G. your burp alerts a guard and another guard’s patrol route is coming towards you. You could slow down the guard coming to check in some way to give you just barely enough time to wait for the patrol to pass and then waddle out of the way of both guards). It could be as simple as applying the speed debuff from higher weights to the guard temporarily, though I’m not a game designer, so I dunno if that’s too hard to do or not. Welp, I hope you have a good day, sorry for the text walls!

Had another idea: Maybe at higher weights, each step makes a sound? The fatter the player, the louder the sound. It wouldn’t be nearly as big as the gas’ radius, but it would still get bigger as the player gets fatter, just like the farts. It would make things even more strategic than it already is, as players have to think not just about how long it is until they burp/how large the burp radius is, but also about the radius of their steps, and how much louder they might be after eating some food.