Hello everyone,
Here is the sequel to my last game The Weight of Your Crimes.
After creating the entirety of the last game in only two weeks for the 2023 game jam, I wanted to see if I could make a simple Halloween themed platformer game within a month… Obviously that didn’t pan out.
Turns out getting a full time job, learning a new game engine, feature creep, and SEVERLY underestimating workloads will add some extra time to a project.
But now after over half a year of development, the game is finally ready!
Download it here:
A couple months after our Heroine’s destructive jailbreak (and somehow convincing the court that it was an accident), Zenn and Olivia are now relaxing at home on a late Halloween night. While reminiscing about their great escape, Zenn realizes she never got their car back from the impound lot! Now, being kicked out of the house, she must find a way to pay off the immense storage fees. Luckily, there is a neighborhood full of people willing to help you along your quest (for the right amount of candy~).
The game will be a 3D “Casual Collect-a-thon”, meaning it’s more about exploring the town and interacting with it’s inhabitants than difficult platforming.
While traveling around, you will be collecting candy and completing quests for your neighbors with the ultimate goal of getting your car back.
Throughout the game you can unlock costumes for Zenn that will be necessary to progress certain quests, or get out of reach items.
The return of Zenn and Olivia
A peaceful town to wander through
Hundreds of candy to collect
Over a dozen characters to meet (with different weight stages for most)
A lot more dialogue than I was intending to write…
Four different costumes to collect
And Multiple endings
I hope you guys enjoy it!
Patch Notes
-Version 1.1
Fixed some major bugs (like costumes carrying over when you pressed new game).
Also added a new feature that allows you to skip dialogue. This should give everyone’s fingers a break.
-Version 1.2
Fixed critical issue introduced in the last patch.
-Version 1.3
Fixed issue where candy would disappear due to how the game was saving when an ending was triggered. (If you were affected by this, please check the Patch v1.3 dev log post for instructions)
-Version 1.4
Fixed issue where the Endings menu was not unlocked after beating the game.
-Version 1.5
Fixed an issue where watching an early ending locked out the others, along with a couple other adjustments.
The full patch notes are listed in the Itch.io page.