September 2, 2021, 9:39am
There are currently four different forum discussions about Rimworld modding, including this one:
Hello, I’m working on a weight gain mod for Rimworld. This is my first mod for Rimworld so I’m trying things out and learning as I go, but I think I’ve got something workable at the moment. I intend on working on it more, but I’m not sure for how long or how much.
So far all I’ve got is the basic weight gain functionality (including some visual changes) and a few items, and I’m working on tweaking values so that the weight gain progresses at a reasonable pace.
So a while back I brought up the idea of “why hasn’t rimworld had a weight gain mod” I don’t fully recall that but I had some thoughts after playing a few forbidden Mods (Rimjobworld for a example a sex mod) one of them added Breasts dicks and other genitalia as a Health effect in the health pawn option.
So for weight why not have the weight be added their. body changes could be a neat secondary goal but anyone on this site can likely deal with it being pure wording.
of course weight has pros …
So I’ve been thinking a little about creating a weight gain mod for Rimworld, but I am a complete newbie when it comes to modding it, so I’ve got some questions for the folks that might have some experience with it.
I quickly glanced through the core XML’s of the game, and it looks relatively straight forward and open ended if you know what you’re doing and where to look, but I wouldn’t want to leap into it blindly and suddenly hit a wall, so the things I’m curious about are:
More Body Types …
Note that the last one was started by an artist. It’d be cool if everyone with both interest and skills necessary to mod rimworld worked as a team, just sayin’.