feederism game pls

hey sooo anybody has a recomendation for a weight gain game?, specifucly me fattening a female character?


Have you tried clicking “female” in the tags list? Because that should tell you all you need to know.


Check out The Weighting Game by tiggertoo: The Weighting Game - WIP , my personal top recommendation

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The site’s full of them. Anything in particular, gameplay wise?

try this one! good,m simple, you get money,m buy food, and fatten up girls and yourself(girl too)

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Welcome to weight gaming @m15131325. I would recommend taking a look at something like the user maintained list of games. It’s going to have a variety of some of the games on the site. Or my recommendation list, which has games that I personally enjoy and would recommend. The list is broken up by genre/engine and a list of relevant tags, fetishes, and content to be expected. You can also check out tags like female, npc-wg, or sort things by Projects, Curated Projects and Gain Jam to give you a more targeted glance at some stuff you may be interested in.

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Hello :slight_smile: you can search game by tag, maybe that can help you.