Olive And The Ruby Bra

https://imgur.com/a/Cd5kxXZ hahahaha this is so great lol

5 Likes actually might work. It’s mostly major updates that change the beginning where troubles start, but it I remember correctly there wasn’t anything detrimental changed between those two updates. It should be fine.

Looking forward to playing this and getting more eyes onto it :slight_smile:

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Alright, so… Minor progress update.

I’ve been making good progress with the next update, but along with work and other issues in my life, it’s been very much. ‘slowed’, to say the least. I’m not good at monitoring my work flow normally already, but due to everything else I think this time’s been the busiest I’ve been. I can’t promise any times, but I can promise that I have been working on the next major update successfully. It’s just very slow. (its very hard to be professional im not made for this im sorry)

But yeah, I’m really glad that some people are still looking forward to more I have to offer, and I expect myself to deliver soon. I’m more than positive it will not be within the month. God, hell no. No. Maybe not even November. Maybe November. Like I said, no promises.

I’ve got a lot planned, this most likely will be the largest update I’ve ever released to the game. Including multiple dungeons, balance changes, and a lot of more things I don’t want to let myself disclose. But like, y’know, fat fairies in buckets and a bread dungeon have been talked about in the discord. Along with other ideas I’ve had. In a minor update after the next major, I’ll be redirecting attention to adding more to the dormmates, meaning more friendship stages and a quest for each of them.

TLDR; I’m alive, I’ve got a fat ass, and I’ve got a lot fuckin planned. Plans have been scrambled due to physical and mental strain from work mostly. I think the majority of you take me at least the slightest bit seriously still (. You really shouldn’t, my brain is so smooth tape slides off it), and I hope y’all have good days!


My brain read this as “I’ve got a lot of fuckin planned” and it made me think you were going to be adding more to the dormmates’ ‘friendship’ stages than I first thought.


Sorry to ask this here, but since the project help section has been locked down, where did you get your generic NPC tall sprites? Is there a mod you can apply to extended generator, spliced from a template, or did you do it pixel by pixel?

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I can’t personally speak for frequenf, but I don’t think the tall sprites can be used in the generator without some major tweaking that I have no clue how to do. Some of us just Frankenstein the generated heads from the small sprites onto the larger ones and then do the outfits by hand.


$Tall Template

$Male Base

$Goblin Gnome Template

Here are some bases for Tall Sprites.



Eat the bucket Olive


Blasty pretty much sums it up (thank you!) but if you really wanna know my process I used some of the tall sprite templates and edited them to be my own template, and I hand draw the outfits n shit on the characters. I’ve heard rumor of someone being able to screw with the generator to make tall sprites to work, but then I would need to draw like fifty outfits and I can barely draw olive bending over so ain’t happening. I also draw with a mouse for precision : )

Oh, also there’s this beauty of a thread: RPG Maker Resources. There’s tons of stuff from there, most of it’s kinda old tho. That’s where I got most of what I’ve worked with initially tho!


Thanks for the input from you and @BuiltToBlast, I figured as much. But, if it is possible to make a tall mod extended generator, perhaps I can share some work to to make at least a tall modded version of the default sprites to make asset generation easier, even if they’re palatte swaps. Until the project help forum accepts new threads, guess I’ll upload my progress to the Discord.


this image holds no promises. but it is close.

I have yet to finish the dungeons and the lil’ forest secret, but other than that it’s very close to completion. Sorry again for staying quiet, bbut again ii dont know when ‘soon’ would be sso pleasedontholdmetoanythinghehe

Thank you all for sticking around, and I hope too see y’all return ‘soon’. Have good days and a wonderful week!


yay i hopefully there more to the game it was very interesting

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Is it possible tofind the psychomancer in the 0.7.2 or or have they not been added yet? I feel like I’ve scoured the desert and found nothing.
Love the game so far!


Not possible just yet, that’s in the next version hehe. Same with the lamp, not lamp exists just yet. And thank you!

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Quick question.

Where can I find the Brewhuck’s library? I can’t find it.


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It’s been a bit but I think the quest you’re talking about wants you to go here


oh yes specifically that path and then turn left and press the interact button. if you don’t go that path then you’re just a fake gamer I guess


Can anyone help me? I’m having a hard time figuring out what to do next after exiting (completing side missions) stuck being a goblin?. I have a mission to deliver a bag to a beach, look for a tree for potions, and find a lamp for an old man, but don’t know what to do


The game is still in development. You just hit the end of the current game


I am so glad that ‘soon’ is incredibly ambiguous because when I posted that I went into another drought, another work burst, and now another fucking drought. what even. (it’ll bbe finished I promise hbfg)