A simple thread dedicated to any weight gain related sprites and resources that might be available, but difficult to find, or a place to share different sources for decent gamemaking assets in general. I don’t really have a lot going in terms of resources right now, but I’m debating trying to get into doing some simple spriting myself.
I’ll try to update this post if sprite more relevant content.
[Spoiler]For use with the Half Kaizer template, which seems to be a community project which didn’t quite take off to the degree one could hope. The sprites are decently detailed, which is why I appreciate them more than the standard RPG Maker ones, besides, plagiarism.
(This is a 600x340 image, and 4x1 character grid, make sure to reformat it to 4x2, or 600x680 as it’s what RPGMaker wants. It’s fine to leave the bottom half blank.)
It makes decent looking faces with a lot of variations for different expressions. However the only process I’ve found to actually put this into RPG Maker is tedious. I had to screenshot every different expression (8 Total), then arrange them in photoshop and both remove the white background, as well as resize the images to 394x192.
(RPG Maker seems to require 96x96 faces, arranged 4x2)
I’ve been trying to put together a complete set of sprites for the half-kaizer spriteset, but I’m a whole lot less than satisfied with most of what I’ve got so far and feel like I will very likely revise them. Here’s at least something I think is worth sharing, feel free to use liberally and freely.
I’ve been trying to put together a complete set of sprites for the half-kaizer spriteset, but I’m a whole lot less than satisfied with most of what I’ve got so far and feel like I will very likely revise them. Here’s at least something I think is worth sharing, feel free to use liberally and freely.[/quote]
This looks pretty good, but you might want to use imgur over photobucket. I think photobucket has a habit of deleting just about everything.
I updated the OP with a new weight gain sheet for the half kaizer sprites. I changed to imgur for hosting as suggested, and otherwise I’ll keep posting in hopes that people will be inspired to use my resources or even share their own. Also in order to actually ‘outfit’ the template, here’s the process I went through:
I googled halfkaizer sprites to find as many resources as possible.
For the ‘thin’ character, I mostly try to use finished sprite assets, as to save myself time and effort. Besides, it’s a lot easier to modify something to look right, than to create it from scratch.
Make sure to use a program that supports transparency and layers, like photoshop or the free gimp, and just move clothes over to the fatter versions of the character, and adjust the sprites as needed.
If you’re going the minimalistic route, you can outfit only the still standing sprites for a character that won’t be walking around. Or you can even change the sprite for just a single facing, for a character that won’t move, or turn around when spoken to.
EDIT: Short disclaimer. I’m a horrible artist, and a complete beginner to spriting. It’s very likely that indeed anyone could do better than what I did. So keep that in mind if you find any of the sprites I made to look ‘goofy’, or if you’re afraid to give it a shot yourself.
[quote=“Vollerei, post:5, topic:746”]I updated the OP with a new weight gain sheet for the half kaizer sprites. I changed to imgur for hosting as suggested, and otherwise I’ll keep posting in hopes that people will be inspired to use my resources or even share their own. Also in order to actually ‘outfit’ the template, here’s the process I went through:
I googled halfkaizer sprites to find as many resources as possible.
For the ‘thin’ character, I mostly try to use finished sprite assets, as to save myself time and effort. Besides, it’s a lot easier to modify something to look right, than to create it from scratch.
Make sure to use a program that supports transparency and layers, like photoshop or the free gimp, and just move clothes over to the fatter versions of the character, and adjust the sprites as needed.
If you’re going the minimalistic route, you can outfit only the still standing sprites for a character that won’t be walking around. Or you can even change the sprite for just a single facing, for a character that won’t move, or turn around when spoken to.
EDIT: Short disclaimer. I’m a horrible artist, and a complete beginner to spriting. It’s very likely that indeed anyone could do better than what I did. So keep that in mind if you find any of the sprites I made to look ‘goofy’, or if you’re afraid to give it a shot yourself.[/quote]
Updated and changed out the sample character. It’s so far unfortunately the only complete sheet I’ve been able to work out, but with a transparent background and fully detailed weight progression it should pretty much be ready to go. The only adjustment you’ll need to put it into RPG Maker is to resize the file so the character fits on a 4x2 grid, as it’s currently 4x1.
I had time today to finish the male template, but I’m not satisfied with the larger size female ones yet. Not very exciting, but anyone who wants to use it can do whatever they want with it.
Make sure the filename starts with $ or it wont work right. EX: ($maletemplate.png)
Made enough time today to gather up most the pieces and parts I have for female templates into one psd. I know it isn’t much but it’s all I have time for right now. $bellytemplate
What do y’all think about using prerendered 3d models? It could possibly save a lot of work; morphing 3d models with shapekeys seems like less work to me than redrawing a sprite in a bunch of different sizes.
Using prerendered models sounds like it could clash with the style, but if it could be used as a helpful tool somehow I’d be interested in seeing how it could help. I will say that drawing full weight gain sprite sheets is an incredibly time consuming process, far more so than just drawing a regular character since you’ll need to sprites for each stage of weight.
Personally I haven’t done at all much recently, but I’ve been working away at a few extra sprite sheets, and feel like I might have a burst of inspiration again. The plan is to eventually make several characters without fully realized character sheets, as to put less work into spriting in order to produce some actual content.
[quote=“PeachClamNine, post:14, topic:746”]I commissioned a set of male and female models.
With five minutes of kajiggering, it looks like this:
I think it can get even better if this pixel art shader can be applied. http://kushi.lv9.org/pixelartshader/index.html?ckattempt=1 [/quote]
That looks impressive! Sadly it’s completely outside of my own experience working with those kinds of tools, but if you think you can make working spritesheets with them I’d say go for it. And even if they look slightly different, I don’t think anyone here will condemn a WG game for having an inconsistent artstyle. And just in case I didn’t make it completely clear, I’m 100% fine with anyone making any kind of modification of ‘my’ work here. And I won’t try to hide that a lot of my own sprites are heavily based off the work of others, namely the half-kaizer project.
I’ve personally been making a handful of unfinished sprite sheets, and also working on some hyper fats / immobiles (http://prntscr.com/c74919). I’ve been extremely on-off in terms of doing this, as I don’t really feel pressured to work outside of the rarer times when I feel inspired to, but I’d say I’m making at least some kind of progress. Also, once I do manage to make myself publish a ‘demo’ of my game project, I’ll happily encourage that everyone go through the files and take anything they’re interested in, but for right now I’d rather not upload a whole bunch of half-finished work.
Decided I’d update here, and this time it’s a slightly more universal resource that hopefully someone might find some use for. Namely, faces! Now as a quick note these two images are meant to be used with the RPG Maker face generator. The way that you use them is that you replace the files called “FG_Face_p0x_c1_m001” in the face generator files. The X will be either 1, 2 or 3, but you can change out whichever one you want. Make sure to save a backup!
You can easily go in and modify or switch out any files you want here, and the generator will be able to help you put it all together in a super simple, and easy manner. So go wild with it if you have ideas. It’s also very possible to go in here and change things such as hair color, eye color, etc, but I have another method for that which I’ll get to in a second.
And here’s what the folder should look like after you’ve replaced the files, as well as the file path:
Here’s how it’ll look once through the creator. It’s not perfect, and I’m certainly not good at drawing, but it works well enough for me and hopefully for someone else too! http://i.imgur.com/84lELBy.png
If you want a subtle change to the characters like hair or eye color, and I’ll happily concede that the RPG Maker program has a serious lack of color options, I suggest using photoshop or another image editing program. I can’t tell you how to work with anything outside of photoshop, but perhaps you can do something similar:
Use the function “Color Range” found in “Select → Color Range”, make sure the proper layer is selected. If you want to make sure you select as few unwanted pixels as possible, quickly use the lasso tool to select around the eyes / hair too. This will make sure the program only looks for the specified colors in your area.
Set the fuzziness either extremely low, or to 0, and hold shift + click in a very different spots in the hair or eyes. This should let the program find any pixels with the same color as the ones you selected.
Hit okay. Now you’ll hopefully have the colored bits of the eyes/hair selected roughly.
Hit blending options → “Hue/Saturation”. This is the little yin-yang symbol under your layers. Leave this alone for now.
Click the mask of the Hue/Saturation filter. This is the white and black part. Then go to “Filter” → “Blur” → “Gradient Blur” and input only a few pixels for the option. ~5 should be good.
Adjust the hue/saturation layer as necessary.
You should end up with something like this: http://prntscr.com/c9qgjk (Keep in mind the example is slightly jarring, I gave it strong colors that contrasted the one I chose in the creator, so it would be obvious for the screenshot)
Holy shit I can’t believe I never thought of putting fat faces into the default character generator. There might even be a way to do it without replacing the default faces. I’ll have to mess with it when I have the time.
If you ever found a way to have multiple faces in there, that’d be great. Also, after at least three/four failed attempts I realize I’m terrible at drawing decent faces. If anyone could share good fat faces, that’d be swell!
This is the face I’m using. It’s not the best and you’ll have to do a little bit of photo shopping to fix the hair but it’s better than nothing.
To add more faces you just need to rename the head to whatever it needs to be named and drag it into the generator folder if your using MV. I’m not sure about older versions of rpgmaker.