Starbound Mod: Starpounds Big Fatties

I got the discord version, if we ever get an update sometime can we have to clothing for each specific character?

If you mean costumes for each races, that’s already in the mod.

Apart from Avalis, every race has its main costumes that adapt to your character’s weight.

just to make sure the version you got from this post is up to date with the one in the discord? or do i need to join the discord first to get the up to date version?

How do you get the dark latex species to work?

Gonna intercept this post: as long as you’re using the public version at the top of this forum post, and have downloaded ModFattiesRaces from Starbound Mod Mod: Mod Fatties - Curated Projects / Starbound Big Fatties - Weight Gaming, you should be good to go from there!

I can’t find that leve tree menu
the some one know’s how to open it?

Is there any way to join the discord? Everytime I try it just says I can’t accept the invite.

Where can I download the most latest version of the mod?

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i may sound dumb but
how do i download the (public work in progress download) folder into the mod folder because i don’t see any pak files for me to paste on

Idk if I missed a step or something but yeah idk how to put it in the mod folder but I have the stable download installed in the game

nvm i figured it out

Reading through every single post in this thread gives me yet another new layer of respect for shy dispatch that I didn’t think possible, having to deal with this would constantly give me such a headache that not even working retail could do. Thanks for all your hard work!


How did you get it to work?

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From the gitub page, code > download zip > extract zip to starbound’s mod folder > profit

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I’m trying to make modded weight stages appear in the Weight Scale. How do I go about doing that?

after goofing of in kobalt kare and Chub Chomp chill i try starting a new solo fat run but when i try to get the git hub version to extract it takes the mods files and extracts them as normal files and no .PAK files anyone got a fix for this or am i just being stupi

Left side is after install ( game insta crash) Right side before install and how i left it working last time.

EDIT: i fix it and the game runs now but got 2 probloms
1: missing 21 basic crafting bluprints ( fireplace, cook stake/meat, etc…
2: the mod works but the enable and disable function is swap right now i have it disable yet it works fin if i enable it disable its self
Edit 2: new bug for some reason my Tech ball form is alway a few blocks off the ground floor and when its not i cant move in any direction so long as i reman in ball form.

question: when playing in the vore tree fattening up the target before eating them make a difference in terms of EXP/Food
or na?

I haven’t checked EXP, but food and fattening are definitely affected. Fatter targets take up more belly space, take longer to digest, and add more fat to your character. It’s been a few weeks since I last played, but I believe eating an immobile target can fatten your character from the lowest weight to one of the final two stages before clothing explodes.

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as much as i try from different angels even i cant seem to get the feeding tubes filled with any liquid so far i try with honey, milk, liquid Fat and no matter were or how much i spam Q nothing happens anyone know if this is a active bug or is is a issue with a fix from my part?

It’d be easier for you to join the discord server to go over your constant problems rather than answer them here in this thread.


ill be joing soon i mange to find a work around for one but still cant fill the feeding tube and still missing 21 crafting recipes