Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

Each time I see another reply on this thread I get a small heart attack thinking that we got another update.


I have 3/4ths of the update completely done. Working on the last 1/4th now. I expect 3 weeks, realistically. Would love to get it out before November, but no promises!


I wasn’t asking for an update on progress (those are banned, I know!) just wanted to show how excited I am
Still, glad for the news!


I know, but I felt that you deserved a little break from those heart attacks! People post in this thread all the time, after all.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Nerds take my energy!

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Help. I am stuck on secret recipe mission where I gotta use the arrow keys. Can’t get past it. Don’t know what to do. Please help

If you are refering to when you make rice cakes you need to go direction space bar direction space bar. Basically just press space bar/action key in between every arrow key input.

Any possibility we can get to Caliph’s girls at Chuck’s place? Or they have a grand buffet somewhere?



Any body else game freeze after 2 min just me ok

I know someone said that’s a problem with rpgmaker in general, but I forgot who and what the solution was.

I seem to recall someone saying it happens if you don’t restart your computer once a month, or something like that. Can’t remember if that’s the exact fix for sure, but it won’t hurt, at least.

Is it just the games visuals freezing (as in you can still hear audio and sound effects) or does the whole thing just crash?

Hi there everyone. Can someone tell me where to find the jewel that is suppose to go into the homicidal sword ( I think I may have missed the opportunity to buy the jem from that funny shop in the desert. )

You did not. Keep the sword equipped, and when the gem shows up, you won’t miss it.


i can still hear everything but i can’t do nothin

This is a bug in rpgmaker and all rpgmaker games. I think it just hits this game harder because this game is so long and has so much content you won’t make it through the entire game without seeing the bug.

Some people have said that rebooting (your entire computer) can help avoid the problem (I will often go months without rebooting). Another thing that you can do is attempt to save the game successfully with your eyes shut (figuratively) and then close the program open the program and load the save you’ve made blind. This will actually work. This won’t work though during the few sections where saving is disabled. If this bug is frustrating you in rpgmaker games a lot I’d advise practicing making it to the save menu purely via the audio cues, usually I’ll try to hit confirm a bunch then menu then up then up then confirm then down then confirm then close program.

Additionally in my own personal testing the issue seems to be a defensive mechanism rpgmaker has to prevent wild graphical glitches from occurring due to the fast forward mechanic causing desync of visual elements in the game.

In my opinion it is impossible to play rpgmaker without fast forwarding because of how rpgmaker registers mouse clicks and key presses, even a single mouse click to proceed with the game is often going to be registered by the game as a millisecond of fast forwarding during the mouse click being held as well as the confirm from the mouse click being released. In my own personal testing if the left mouse button is clicked in and held and never let go of, this “freeze” crash bug simply cannot occur. What you’ll get instead though is wild visual desync glitches where things will happen like having the same npc sprite in multiple locations at once. If your only goal though is to get past a section you already played before a previous crash, well, feel free to try this specific form of fast forwarding. (Again, if you believe me, and I might be totally wrong, the bug you’re referring to can only occur when you let go of a button on your keyboard or mouse or controller.)

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I found this fixes the visuals freezing. Make sure to save your changes before exiting. Also you will need to do this again once the new update comes out.


Wow this totally fixes the bug! even in other rpgmaker games that aren’t this one!

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