Housewife Simulator - FREE DEMO OUT!! ❤

Hey everyone! I’m Moose, I’ve got a new project I’m working on.

If you don’t know me, I’ve released 4 games so far, they’re free, go check em out!:

  • Neon Dreams - wg, female, bbw, ssbbw, stuffing, renpy, fully released, android, mac, pc
  • Overstuffed - wg, female, bbw, ssbbw, stuffing, renpy, fully released, android, pc, mac
  • Cowgirl Casino - wg, female, bbw, ssbbw, stuffing, renpy, fully released, pc, mac
  • Cowgirl Casino 2 - wg, female, stuffing, bbw, ssbbw, immobile, renpy, fully released, pc, mac

Back to the new project… I enjoyed the story-telling aspect of Overstuffed, so I combined that with a low-stress resource / time management game. You play through the story of a newlywed housewife and her mad-genius husband and their shared biomedical company. Just like my other games, there’s themes of BBW and stuffing, but this one also has the option in the first chapter for AE and BE and adds Pregnancy with more lactation in the second chapter. There’s random events, side characters, an achievement gallery, and the “weight room” where you can see the transformation of each unlocked character through their gain or expansion.

You can download a demo of Chapter 1 for PC, Android, or Mac on Itch: Housewife Simulator by AnonymooseProductions

If you like the demo, buy the game to get access to Chapter 2 and future updates!

  • The best way to get the beta with Chapter 2 is to support me on Patreon (only $5 per month): Access gets you exclusive dev updates, teaser pics on Discord (and you can request them too, I love taking requests from Patrons!), and early access to all content.
  • Stable builds without the most recent content are available if you buy the game on Itch for $10, and will include all future content once it’s in a stable / tested build.

Some teaser images attached!


I have to say I do like your last project so this one so going to be very fun.


Question, are BE, AE, and WG mutually exclusive?


Yes - at the beginning of the game, you’re given the option for chapter 1 for BE, AE, or WG for the protagonist.

You don’t get a choice for the side characters - they each have their own transformations (mainly BE or WG).


You have piqued my interest! I will be watching and looking forward to your developments.


Played the demo a while back when you released it on Patreon, I’m excited to pick it up again!

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As a goofy ahh patron, I adore this game and look forward to more of your work, even if Ive already seen this one hint hint


Ohoho that looks very exciting


Chapter 1 is still out for Patrons and Chapter 2 is almost done - but I’ve changed gears for the next week or two to Neon Dreams, my Game Jam entry. Neon Dreams

I’ll be back to Chapter 2 soon, and hope to have it out for Patrons soon!


I took a quick break from dev work of this masterpiece to work on Neon Dreams, which is free for everyone!

I’m picking up work in stride again this week on Chapter 2 of Housewife Simulator and will be posting updates on Patreon and in my Discord, so support me if you want to see updates and try out Chapter 1! :sunglasses:


Simple game but fun to play!

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Glad you liked it!! :grin:

Progress on Housewife Simulator Chapter 2 has been… Fast. I’ve made three scenes in the last week with lots more to come. Chapter 2 is going to be huge compared to Chapter 1, and I’m excited to release it.

Anyways, here’s the housewife in 2nd trimester belly bumping Ashley! More to come soon. :grin:


Can’t wait! This is a great combo!

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Chapter 2 is out for Patrons! Gogogo!

I am still adding some more content to Chapter 2 and doing some debugging, so there’s no public release for Chapter 1 yet. The Alpha release of Chapter 2 was a bit rocky - I want a polished project before releasing Chapter 1 as a teaser here.

II am debating whether I should release the final game on Steam or release it free once all chapters are complete. The prospect of getting a game on Steam is very appealing to me - it’s a first step towards being able to develop games for a living if it all goes well. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am a fan of this so far and you are doing a great job! Thank you for your hard work!

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Loved chapter 2! Awesome work! Here’s a mini-review of my thoughts!

Things I loved: Vanessa, Dorothy, AE Dream

I always received the ‘gaining too fast, so here’s the scenes you missed’ notification

Bug Reports:

  1. Vanessa Scenes after learning her name had some image issues with face expressions
  2. Some of the choices that led to Dream scenes would infinitely loop if the ‘No’ choice was selected
  3. A typo in the chapter 2 ending scene, I believe Alexis meant to say the word ‘farther’
  4. When viewing Vanessa’s gallery, a error pops up, something about ‘png missing’

Thank you! Definitely worth the wait!
edit: added 4th bug

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Thanks!! I love feedback and bug reports!!

  1. I already fixed 1 - it just didn’t make it into this release.
  2. I will look into #2, that’s a new one.
  3. Can you give me more context for error #3? I didn’t find any erroneous Alexis sentences so maybe I’m just missing it since I wrote it all. :sweat_smile:
  4. Vanessa’s gallery was missing, as well as Dorothy’s, the pregnant friends, and the images for the Creameries at size 3. Those all were added this weekend, I just wrapped up those last night!

Thanks again for the bug reports and the feedback! I should have another version out with the fixes and a bit more Mia content in the next week.


Ok - I got the reported bugs fixed and finished the Mia added content! :sunglasses:

I’ll have another Patron chapter 2 release this weekend at latest, and if that goes well, I’ll do a public chapter 1 release next!

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We’re in Beta release! The latest update is full of bug fixes, some minor gameplay balancing, gallery images that were missing, and a bit of content for Mia that adds her to way to Chapter 3.

The latest update is live on Itch:

I also added the ability to pay for the game on Itch. It’s just in Beta, but has more gameplay than most games on this site, and the paid license will be updated all the way through, so if you’d rather buy a copy instead of supporting me on Patreon, any bit helps me with my dream of making games like this for a living!